The Altdeutsche Schäferhunde is not recognized by the LOF (Books of French Origins), so it is not possible to practice the sporting activities of Ring and biting organized by the FCI (Fédération Cynophile Internationale), however the other activities sports such as mantrailing, obedience, cani-cross... remains possible.

From a German breed, the Altdeutsche Schäferhunde has an IHR (Internationaler Hundefreunde aller Rassen) pedigree, which guarantees health tests (radio dysplasia of the hips and elbows, test for degenerative myelopathy, etc.) over several generations.
IHR Pedigree
The organization IHR is a UCI (Union Cynologique Internationale), which offers
participate in dog shows in France, Germany, Holland etc...
The UCFAS breed club (Union Cynophile Française Altdeutsche Schäferhunde) where we are affiliated, organizes 3 exhibitions a year, these take place over a weekend, the first day of the exhibition consists of presenting the dogs by class of age and are judged on physical but also mental criteria the dogs must be able to be manipulated without signs of aggression. The second day is the confirmation, it is this phase that determines whether the dog will be breeding or not, it is validated if the animal conforms to the standard of the breed and if it has its health tests (radio dysplasia of the hips and elbows…).