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  • Santé de l'Altdeutsche Schäferhund - Élevage Des Esprits de Pian'Ourska 71 - France

    Ce qu'il faut savoir de la santé du Altdeutsche Schäferhund (Berger Allemand Ancien Type à dos droit et à poil long). Pour plus d'information contactez l'élevage Des esprits de Pian'Ourska à Viry 71120 au ou via notre formulaire en ligne HEALTH Dysplasia This is a malformation which consists of a more or less significant asymmetry of the head of the femur with its cavity and a relaxation of the ligament which makes them united It is a disease whose cause is multifactorial: it is genetic, but can be provoked or aggravated by environmental factors, only if the dog already carries the genes for the disease. Food (the overweight of the puppy), the violent exercises of the puppy (stairs, slides). Ratings for dysplasia of the hips (HD) and elbows (ED): Are authorized for breeding by the Breed Club, dogs HD: A, B and C (dogs classified C must obligatorily reproduce with a dog classified A), and ED: 0, SL, and 1 (dogs classified SL and 1 must breed with a dog ED: 0). For more information HD: A = Free from dysplasia HD: B = Intermediate Stage HD: C = Mild dysplasia HD: D = Medium Dysplasia HD: E = Severe dysplasia ED: 0 = Free from dysplasia ED: SL = Limit Stage ED: 1 = Mild dysplasia ED: 2 = Medium dysplasia ED: 3 = Severe dysplasia Degenerative Myelopathy Degenerative Myelopathy is a disease leading to paralysis of the hind legs that appears gradually as the dog ages. It is a condition where the spinal cord loses its function following a degeneration of it. The exact cause remains unknown. A genetic cause is suspected, but the condition is likely multifactorial. The ratings are as follows: Are authorized for reproduction by the Breed Club the marriages which will not produce affected dogs: N/N x N/N (which will produce 100% N/N puppies) DM/N x N/N (which will statistically produce 50% N/N puppies, and 50% DM/N puppies) DM/DM x N/N (which will produce 100% DM/N puppies) For more information: N/N = Healthy, non-carrier, will not transmit the mutation gene to his offspring (normal Homozygote). DM/N = Healthy carrier, will not develop the disease, but will transmit the mutation gene to statistically 50% of his offspring (Heterozygote). DM/DM = Affected, will develop the disease and will transmit the mutation gene to statistically 100% of his offspring (homozygote mutated). Screening for genetic diseases of our dogs is carried out by the Antagene laboratory

  • Portées d'Altdeutsche Schäferhund - Élevage Des Esprits de Pian'Ourska 71 - France

    Découvrez nos portées d'Altdeutsche Schäferhund (Berger Allemand Ancien Type à dos droit et à poil long) en cours et à venir. Pour plus d'information contactez l'élevage Des esprits de Pian'Ourska à Viry 71120 au ou via notre formulaire en ligne. Les Portées Litters in progress Upcoming Litters My P'tits Loulous, Oops from yesterday

  • L'Altdeutsche Schäferhund - Élevage Des Esprits de Pian'Ourska 71 - France

    Tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur l'Altdeutsche Schäferhund. Pour plus d'information contactez l'élevage Des esprits de Pian'Ourska à Viry 71120 au ou via notre formulaire en ligne. L'altdeutsche Schäferhunde History of the breed Standard of the altdeustche The colors of the breed morphology and character Pedigree and Breed Club Health

  • Portée Ourska Buck - Élevage Altdeutsche Schäferhund - Des Esprits de Pian'Ourska - 71 - France

    Contactez notre élevage de Bergers Allemands ancien type à dos droit et à poil long, Altdeutsche Schäferhund à Viry 71120 en appelant le ou via notre formulaire en ligne - Élevage Des Esprits de Pian'Ourska. Portée Ourska et Buck Le 16 octobre 2024... Ourska n'ayant qu'un seul chiot n'à pas pu le faire naître naturellement, nous avions programmé une césarienne et celle ci c'est très bien passé ! La maman va bien le petit loup aussi mais celui ci fût refusé par Ourska... Ont se doutait de cet acte puisque c'est naturel qu'une maman n'ayant pas vu son bébé sortir ne l'accepte pas. ( surtout Ourska qui est une mère assez strict ) De ce fait Siwu la pris sous sa coupe et s'en occupe comme si c'était le siens ! Les Mâles Mâle collier Marron ( Fauve Charbonné ) Les chiots dans leurs 5ème semaine Les chiots dans leurs 7ème semaine Les chiots dans leurs 6ème semaine Les chiots dans leurs 4ème semaine Les chiots dans leurs 5ème semaine Les chiots dans leurs 3ème semaine Les chiots dans leurs 2ème semaine Les chiots dans leurs 1ère semaine

  • Portée Ourska Broer - Élevage Altdeutsche Schäferhund - Des Esprits de Pian'Ourska - 71 - France

    Contactez notre élevage de Bergers Allemands ancien type à dos droit et à poil long, Altdeutsche Schäferhund à Viry 71120 en appelant le ou via notre formulaire en ligne - Élevage Des Esprits de Pian'Ourska. Portée Ourska et Broer Le 30 juin Ourska a donné naissance à 5 petits loups, la mise bas ne sait pas passées comme prévue, Ourska a bien sorti les deux premiers chiots mais le troisième a bloqué le passage, elle est donc partie en césarienne… Deux des petits sont partis rejoindre les esprits … Maman Ourska va bien et les trois bébés aussi, mais sont tous sous surveillance De beaux bébés de 650g en moyenne ! Les Mâles Ulysse (Mâle collier Bleu) Les Femelles U'Wemyss ( Femelle collier Vert) U'Nimeria (Femelle collier Orange) Les chiots dans leurs 8ème semaine Les chiots dans leurs 7ème semaine Les chiots dans leurs 6ème semaine Les chiots dans leurs 5ème semaines Les chiots dans leurs 4Eme semaines Les chiots dans leurs 3eme semaines Les chiots dans leurs 1ère semaine Les chiots dans leurs 2ème semaines

  • Pédigrée Et Club de la Race Altdeutsche Schäferhund - Élevage Des Esprits de Pian'Ourska 71 - France

    Découvrez le pédigrée et le club de la race Altdeutsche Schäferhund (Berger Allemand Ancien Type à dos droit et à poil long). Pour plus d'information contactez l'élevage Des esprits de Pian'Ourska à Viry 71120 au ou via notre formulaire en ligne. PEDIGREE AND BREED CLUB The Altdeutsche Schäferhunde is not recognized by the LOF (Books of French Origins), so it is not possible to practice the sporting activities of Ring and biting organized by the FCI (Fédération Cynophile Internationale), however the other activities sports such as mantrailing, obedience, cani-cross... remains possible. From a German breed, the Altdeutsche Schäferhunde has an IHR (Internationaler Hundefreunde aller Rassen) pedigree, which guarantees health tests (radio dysplasia of the hips and elbows, test for degenerative myelopathy, etc.) over several generations. IHR Pedigree The organization IHR is a UCI (Union Cynologique Internationale), which offers participate in dog shows in France, Germany, Holland etc... The UCFAS breed club (Union Cynophile Française Altdeutsche Schäferhunde) where we are affiliated, organizes 3 exhibitions a year, these take place over a weekend, the first day of the exhibition consists of presenting the dogs by class of age and are judged on physical but also mental criteria the dogs must be able to be manipulated without signs of aggression. The second day is the confirmation, it is this phase that determines whether the dog will be breeding or not, it is validated if the animal conforms to the standard of the breed and if it has its health tests (radio dysplasia of the hips and elbows…).

  • Standard de la race Altdeutsche Schäferhund - Élevage Des Esprits de Pian'Ourska 71 - France

    Découvrez le standard de L'Altdeutsche Schäferhund (Berger Allemand Ancien Type à dos droit et à poil long). Pour plus d'information contactez l'élevage Des esprits de Pian'Ourska à Viry 71120 au ou via notre formulaire en ligne. BREED STANDARD Opal vom Schattenwolf  Owner: The Legend of the Black Wolf General aspect : It is a medium-sized dog, with a trunk length longer than its height at the withers (about 20%). His appearance is well-built and muscular, without heaviness, which gives him a balanced look and smooth movements. The Altdeutscher Schäferhund has a long, thick coat. It is a dog with a stable temperament, confident, attentive and devoted. In no case should he be aggressive or fearful. The difference in type between male and female should be marked. ET Magic Black Owner: The Legend of the Black Wolf Head and skull: The total length of the head must represent 40% of the length of the trunk, it should not be too heavy or too thin. The forehead is slightly rounded, without or with a weakly marked medio-frontal furrow. The length of the skull must represent 50% of that of the head and must be approximately equal to its width. For the male this width must be greater. Lips should be black, tight and close together. Eyes : The eyes are medium sized, almond-shaped, not prominent. They are as dark as possible, more or less nuanced depending on the coat. Light eyes are undesirable. The eyelids should not hang down (ectropion) or be inverted up (entropion). This is a disqualifying fault. Siwu from The Legend of the Black Wolf Ears : The ears should be erect, of medium size. They should be slightly higher than the width at the base, symmetrical. The flag should face forward. One or both droopy ears is a serious fault. Lord Daryun Owner: Fenris Fangs Neck : The neck must be strong and muscular, more or less raised depending on the attitude of the dog Piana from The Legend of the Black Wolf Back : The back should be straight and horizontal. A very slight inclination is tolerated. A swayed, arched or too steeply sloping back is an eliminatory fault. Bazooka z Gargamellu (aka: Ourska) Chest : The chest should be neither too wide nor too low, its depth should be very slightly less than the height of the withers. In order to allow good movement of the elbows, the ribs should not be barrel-shaped, nor too flat. Bellevue's Ozai Zaheer Owner: Fenris Fangs Tail : At rest it is carried down, with a slight curve without a hook, it rises in action and can slightly exceed the line of the back. Are considered as eliminatory faults, the tail rolled up on the line of the back or the absence of tail. Serious faults: deviated, too short or hooked tail. Adriel Black & Szer-Can (Said: Dziki) Hind limbs: The hind limbs are powerful and muscular, allowing good forward propulsion. The feet are round. The nails are black. Siwu from The Legend of the Black Wolf Forelimbs: The shoulder is long and sloping. The elbows should not be lifted or too tight. The forearms are straight. The feet are round and the nails are black. Siwu from The Legend of the Black Wolf Vahriz Iroh Arash Fenris Fangs Owner: Fenris Fangs Angulations and gaits: The angulations must be marked, which means that they must not be too open or too closed, in order to preserve a straight back. Gaits are examined from all points of view of the dog: anterior, posterior, right lateral and left lateral. They must be flexible and ample, the dog must not give the impression of forcing. The step is composed of a diagonal movement of the legs. The front leg and the opposite hind leg move at the same time. Their range is as long as each other. Incorrect gaits are considered faults. Cadoc Wolf vom Blosenberg Owner: The Legend of the Black Wolf Dress : The coat is thick, with a lot of undercoat. The coat is short and straight on the head, muzzle, back of the ears and front of the legs. The hair is long behind the ears, on the back of the front legs, on the back. On the neck, it forms a mane falling on the chest. It is dense and long on the hind legs forming a dewlap that goes down to the hocks. The summer hair is different from the winter hair which is thicker. Color : The recognized colors are black, black and tan, black and sand, black and silver, black smoke, charcoal fawn, charcoal sand, charcoal silver, blue, blue and tan, blue and sand. For charcoal colors, the undercoat, varying from "fire red" to "light gray", is always charcoal black or blue. The mask is entirely black or blue. The nose must be black in color in all color varieties, except in diluted colors such as blue. In these cases, the nose will be blue and the eyes may be lighter. The absence of a mask, small whitish spots on the inside of the limbs, nails of a light color will be penalized as signs of insufficient pigmentation. Small white or light spots on the chest as well as on the toes are acceptable. Any other color is not recognized. Cut : The Altdeutscher Schaferhund must have a harmonious whole.       Males: 62 to 68 cm at the withers.       Females: 55 to 62 cm at the withers.   An overrun of + or – 1 cm in relation to the standard may be tolerated for a dog that is well proportioned and conforms to the standard Defaults : Any lack of compliance with the above standard will be penalized according to its importance. Serious faults:   Disproportionate dog,   Tail too short,   Broken or hooked tail, ·   Ears that are too large, badly carried, badly implanted, drooping or broken,   Hair length too short,   Lack of pigmentation,   Incorrect gait or movement when viewed from the front, back, or right or left side.   Dog with alopecia whose owners cannot prove by the appropriate examinations, its non-genetic character   Two additional teeth (a tolerance is accepted if the doubled tooth is PM1) Eliminating faults:   Albinism,   Tooth defects, in case of absence of 1 PM 3 plus another tooth, or 1 canine, or 1 PM 4, or 1 M 1 or M 2, or in total three teeth or more,   Two additional teeth + prognathism,   Two additional teeth + one missing tooth (example two PM1 but one M1 missing),   Bad topline,   Very significant gait defects,   Adult dogs with pronounced overshot or undershot bite,   Tail carried curled over back, no tail,   Fearful or aggressive character,   Abnormal looking testicles, or insufficient in number (two), or not in place (in the scrotum),   Entropion or ectropion, ·  Any dog of any other breed or crossbreed.

  • Education du Altdeutsche Shäferhund - Élevage Des Esprits de Pian'Ourska 71 - France

    Consultez les activités canines pour l'éducation du Altdeutsch Shäferhund de l'élevage Des esprits de Pian'Ourska à Viry 71120. Contactez-nous au ou via notre formulaire en ligne. Mes activités Canines et MY CANINE ACTIVITIES AND EDUCATION Agility We have our own agility course, the activity strengthens the bond between the dog and the master, it is a physical and mental activity that the dogs really appreciate. Ourska's favorite activity The Cani-Vtt The Cani-VTT requires acquired orders to avoid the risk of injury and for the Master and for the dog, it is an activity that exercises the dog physically and develops his muscle mass.  This is Piana's favorite activity The Cani-Rando The Cani-Rando is a less technical activity than the Cani-VTT, it is appropriate for people who are athletic or not. It is a reassuring activity for the dog during walks in the woods, the cani-rando allows the dog to exercise physically safe. The complicity is strengthened between the dog and the master. Dziki's favorite activity Dressage Training is mandatory...Since it is a big part of your dog's education The Altdeutsche asks to learn and think constantly, it needs novelty, being creative is the key ! For example, I learn "Turn around", "Pan you're dead", "play the groundhog", "sit", "go to bed"... Sperenza loves to learn lots of tricks Frisbee Frisbee is an activity that demonstrates concentration and precision for the dog. It must be started gently by rolling the frisbee on the ground in order to avoid the risk of injury, jumps and to make it easier to hold the frisbee in the dog's mouth.  Tawa's favorite activity Other activities await us, we will share them with you! EDUCATION Education is a EVERYTHING, you have to know how to read your dog, adapt to him, question yourself. With dogs it's all about being precise and having self-confidence, the bond with the dog is mandatory to obtain a good education. There is no right or wrong method, you really have to adapt to each dog, its character and its difficulties. Each order to learn has stages, when we talk about education it's very vague since I remind you that it's a whole.  The work of renunciation, frustration, the scarcity of goods and so on. We obviously ask ourselves a lot of questions, how to punish his dog? the candy doesn't work anymore why? Why is my dog running away? He was sociable with his congeners and he is no longer there how come?... And yes all his questions there is an answer to everything, of course many of you can't know everything about the dog but don't wait for things to get worse contact dog professionals. TO YOU FUTURE ADOPTER Contact me , I will be happy to advise you, or to redirect you to competent professionals

  • Portée Sperenza et nanook 2024 - Élevage Altdeutsche Schäferhund - Des Esprits de Pian'Ourska - 71 - France

    Contactez notre élevage de Bergers Allemands ancien type à dos droit et à poil long, Altdeutsche Schäferhund à Viry 71120 en appelant le ou via notre formulaire en ligne - Élevage Des Esprits de Pian'Ourska. Portée Sperenza et Nanook Les petits bouchons de Sperenza sont nés le 23 Mai Sperenza est devenue maman et Piana Mamie La mise bas s'est super bien passée, elle a commencé à 17H et finit à 23H... Verdict 6 chiots ont vu le jour et une parité parfaite 3 Mâles et 3 Femelles. Sperenza est une douce Maman attentive et protectrice envers ses bébés.. Mamie Piana à hâte de les rencontrer ! Les Mâles : Mâle collier Bleu ( Atlas ) Mâle collier Jaune ( Odin ) Mâle collier Vert ( Vanos ) Les Femelles : Femelle collier Violet ( Piuma ) Femelle collier Rouge ( Vitch ) Femelle collier Rose ( Vulka ) Les chiots dans leur Huitième semaine Les chiots dans leur Septième semaine Les chiots dans leur Sixième semaine Les chiots dans leur Cinquième semaine Les chiots dans leur Quatrième semaine Les chiots dans leur Troisième semaine Les chiots dans leur Deuxième semaine Les chiots dans leur première semaine Les chiots dans leur première instant

  • Les Portées en cours d'Altdeutsche Schäferhunde - Élevage Des Esprits de Pian'Ourska - 71 - France

    Consultez les portées en cours d'Altdeutsche Schäferhunde de l'élevage Des esprits de Pian'Ourska - à Viry 71120. Contactez-nous au ou via notre formulaire en ligne LITTERS IN PROGRESS

  • Femelles Altdeutsche Schäferhund - Élevage Des Esprits de Pian'Ourska 71 - France

    Découvrez nos femelles Altdeutsche Schäferhund (Berger Allemand Ancien Type à dos droit et à poil long). Pour plus d'information contactez l'élevage Des esprits de Pian'Ourska à Viry 71120 au ou via notre formulaire en ligne. OUR FEMALES PIANA OURSKA SIWU Sperenza DZIKI

  • Les Couleurs de la Race Altdeutsche Schäferhund - Élevage Des Esprits de Pian'Ourska 71 - France

    Découvrez les couleurs de L'Altdeutsche Schäferhund (Berger Allemand Ancien Type à dos droit et à poil long). Pour plus d'information contactez l'élevage Des esprits de Pian'Ourska à Viry 71120 au ou via notre formulaire en ligne. THE COLORS OF ALTDEUTSCHE NOIR SOLIDE altdeutsche schaferhunde - Elevage Pian'Ourska - 71 France NOIR SMOKE NOIR ET FEU FAUVE CHARBONNÉ SABLE CHARBONNÉ GRIS ARGENTÉ CHARBONNÉ FONCÉ GRIS ARGENTÉ CHARBONNÉ NOIR ET ARGENTÉ BLEU SOLIDE BLEU SMOKE FAUVE CHARBONNÉ DE BLEU SABLE CHARBONNÉ DE BLEU GRIS ARGENTÉ CHARBONNÉ DE BLEU

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